Server Request Action

This action has the purpose of posting the form data to a different server, you can use the URL field to determine the location for where the data will be posted, in this box you can also use tokens, and there's another useful box, the Post Data box, where you can put key = value pairs on separate lines and you can also add additional HTTP headers, in case you need it, and you can specify the HTTP method by selecting it from the "Choose an HTTP Method" drop down list.

The action can be used to make an HTTP request to a different server, optionally sending data. Often, this means invoking a web service. Note that if you don’t run in Full Trust, this action requires that the Application Pool identity has Web Permission. The following fields can be configured:

  • URL. This represents the URL to make the request to. A common mistake is to forget to include the protocol. For example is wrong. Instead, use Optionally, append the query string directly to the URL after the question mark. For example This field supports context tokens and My Tokens.

  • POST Data. This is data to send to the URL using POST operation. Put key=value pairs, each on a separate line. It’s also possible to post whole messages, for example and XML (that SOAP-like services expect) by simply putting the XML without any lines. This field supports context tokens and My Tokens.

The current Server Request action does not support TLS1.2 requests as it references .NET4.0 for broader compatibility while TLS1.2 needs at least .NET4.5; in order to make TLS1.2 requests you will need a custom built Server Request action.

A basic example of using the Server Request action on a form button would be to convert Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees. For this we'll need to call a web service with which we'll make the conversion and display the result on a Display Message action, here are the steps:

  1. Add a form on your page > access Manage form option;
  2. Add a text box and label it Celsius
  3. Add a button and on the button add Server Request action
  4. In URL field paste the following:;
  5. In Post Data Box set Celsius=[Celsius] - meaning that the form field Celsius will be used as token to take any value inserted in the form;
  6. On Choose an HTTP Method drop down select the POST option;
  7. Store the answer in a token bu using the Output Token Name section - set for example "test";
  8. Add a Display Message action and on Message field put the stored token [test];
  9. After saving the form and getting back on the page, insert in Celsius box a value, and click on Submit.

As expected result, the value 10 should be converted and the result should be displayed in the message action.

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