Multiple Choice
The Multiple Choice Field is a closed-ended field type where people can select one or more values from a list of choices.
- Agree to Terms
- This field allows a user to agree to your terms or legal agreements by requiring the user to take some form of action, typically clicking the “Agree to Terms and Conditions” checkbox.
- Agree to Terms PopUp
- This field allows a user to agree to your terms or legal agreements by requiring the user to take some form of action, typically clicking the “Agree to Terms and Conditions” checkbox. A link is provided to your Terms of Service agreement page, which will be opened in a PopUp.
- Dropdown with Autocomplete
- This field enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering. It provides suggestions while you type into the field. For example type "dn" for Dnn Sharp.
- Dropdown with Checkboxes
- This field adds an attractive dropdown list which displays Items with a Check Box in front of their names.
- Item Picker (Tree View)
- This field was specially designed for choosing items from a dropdown where the data source and the display should be structured as a tree.
- Multiple Choice (With Checkboxes)
- The Checkboxes field is a checkbox group, which contains a list of items, and the label of the group is the title displayed on front-end.
Multiple Choice (With Dropdown)
- The multiple choice (with DropDown) option is used to create a list of items for a user to choose from, allows the users to select a value from a list of items.
Multiple Choice (With Radio boxes)
- A multi-purpose field used to allow the user to "choose" one or more options. It can be rendered as radio boxes or as radio buttons.
- The Slider Field allows users to slide through the values of an array. It offers dual handles, floating point values, text/label/select output.
- The Sortable Input field allows users to change the items' position and manipulate them using simple drag and drop.
- Tags Input
- The Tag Input field allows users to type a list of keywords and an autocomplete suggestion list is displayed while typing matching values.
- True/False (Checkbox)
- This field creates a single input checkbox. It should always be used for a field that has a boolean value: if the box is checked, the field will be set to true, if the box is unchecked, the value will be set to false.
- Yes/No (Radio boxes)
- This field allows the user to choose only one of two mutually exclusive options: Yes or No.
- Yes/No/Maybe (Radio Boxes)
- This field allows the user to choose only one of two mutually exclusive options: Yes, No or Maybe.