
A control that executes your custom action in response to user interactions. When you press a button, it performs any actions attached to it. You communicate the purpose of a button using a text label, an icon, an image, or both. The appearance of buttons is configurable, so you can tint buttons or format titles to match the design of your app.

Button’s settings:

  • Causes Validation

    • This determines whether the form will be validated when the button is clicked. Usually you'll want this option "on" for Submit buttons and "off" for cancel buttons.

    • Disable it when you define a list of actions to be executed when validation fails, On Validation Failed.

  • Default button

    • This determines the default button when submitting the form using the Enter key.
  • Button Size

    • Size the button appropriately for your content, such as: mini, small, normal, large.
  • Button Type

    • The Bootstrap provides different styles of buttons, such as:

  • Button Align

    • Determines the alignment of the button (full width, left, center, right ). By default, it will align with the controls.
  • Button Icon

    • Use font awesome version 4.7 classes to label the button with icons. (fa-*shortcode*). You can also use "pull-left" and "pull-right" bootstrap classes to modify the position of the icon (not supported on firefox).
  • Connected Forms

    • You can use this setting to connect other Action Form modules (from the same page) and submit them together.

    • The actions from the current button will be executed, and you will have access to fields from the other forms using the following token: [<FormName>:<FieldID>].

      Note: The connected forms field tokens will not be available in the On Change/Click section.

      Note: The submitted values will not be saved in Reports.

  • On Click Handler

    • Connect one or more actions to the button. See the Form Actions chapter.

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